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Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
> Mauro Tortonesi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> I vote we stick with C. Java is slower and more prone to environmental
>>> problems.
>> not really. because of its JIT compiler, Java is often as fast as
>> C/C++, and sometimes even significantly faster.
> Not if you count startup time, which is crucial for a program like
> Wget.  Memory use is also incomparable.

Yes, and you're right that this is crucial for Wget.

However, I do not believe that it is as crucial for "Wget 2". Wget is
heavily used for single-file fetches; I do not anticipate that to be the
primary use for "Wget 2". They will have different application domains,
and different target "markets" (see the "Thoughts on Wget 2.0" thread).
This is a major reason why I advocate the name change, as I don't think
the new beast can appropriately be called by the same name as what
people are now accustomed to.

The New Wget will almost certainly be bulkier, more expensive to build
and run, and depend on a variety of other libraries and tools. It will
also be more powerful and flexible, hopefully justifying these costs.
But Wget's current domain will always find great use in a sleek and
still-very-powerful web fetching tool with a smaller footprint and
dependencies set.

In essence, this drive for a "New Wget" is my way of saying, all these
fancy features like multiple connections, abstracted interfaces with the
filesystem, etc, support for MetaFile and JavaScript, etc, etc, are
_not_appropriate_for_Wget_; while still allowing these ideas to continue
(in another form).


- --
Micah J. Cowan
Programmer, musician, typesetting enthusiast, gamer...
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