On Saturday December 08, 2007 at 09:18:08 (PM) Micah Cowan wrote:

> So, perhaps its time to come back to the question of differentiated exit
> codes from Wget. This may be a 1.12 question, or perhaps a 1.13
> question, but at any rate, with 1.11 ready to go out the day, we perhaps
> have a little more time to discuss it in depth.
> I think the easiest question to ask is how Wget should handle failures
> when only one file has been specified, and recursive-descent isn't
> specified. Deciding how Wget should handle multiple arguments, or
> recursiveness, or both together, is somewhat less straightforward.
> One thing I do feel strongly, is that if Wget has successfully done its
> job, and an error condition has not occurred, Wget should return zero.

I agree. However, we are assuming that wget has indeed downloaded a file

> In particular, if Wget chooses not to download a file because the local
> timestamp is still current, or because its size corresponds to that of
> the remote file, these should result in an exit status of zero.

I disagree. If  wget has not downloaded a file, exiting with zero could lead
the end user to believe that it had.

> I agree  that differentiating between these conditions could be very useful
> from a scripting standpoint, but in Unix (and most of the rest of the world,
> for that matter), anything that's not 0 is interpreted as an error.

I disagree again. If wget did not download a file, no matter what the reason,
then it should not exit with zero. I have written several scripts that utilize
wget to download files. Because wget fails to issue a useful code upon
completion, I am forced to use hacks to find out what actually transpired.
Curl utilizes certain error codes, # 73 for instance, that are quite useful.

> There is a fair amount of room for delineation between various error
> statuses; for better or worse, there is no such room for success
> statuses, and it won't be productive to try to work around it by using a
> few codes from the error space as "other" success conditions.

I believe that the problem is in defining the word 'success'. Properly
indicating what transpired by issuing a factually correct exit code is
essential. In any case, it would make my job of writing scripts that use wget
immensely easier and less prone to breakage.

Jus my 2ยข.


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