Yazeed Hamid wrote:
I'm using wget version 1.10.2 on cygwin running on Windows Vista (v 6.0.6000 Build 6000). When there is a proxy to go through, the corresponsent proxy address:port is exported to the environment (export http_proxy=$proxy") The problem is, when wget is working through a proxy, it doesn't seem to reuse the existing http connection like it does when --proxy=off is set. When there is no proxy, all objects referenced in an html file are fetched over the same connection. On the other hand, when I am going through a proxy, each object is fetched in a new connection although the Connection: Keep-Alive header
is both in the http request and response messages.
As a result, the measured response time through a proxy is very much greater than that through direct connection <no proxy>.
        I just tried both of your examples to mcfee.com (taking 3.56 and 20.42
seconds).  My proxy server is on a linux machine, so I had to run my tests
from linux.  I couldn't replicate your problem.  My output:

time wget -pdEk --delete-after --proxy=off -o log-no-proxy-w-debug www.mcafee.com
Setting --html-extension (htmlextension) to 1;
Setting --convert-links (convertlinks) to 1
Setting --delete-after (deleteafter) to 1
Setting --proxy (useproxy) to off
Setting --output-file (logfile) to log-no-proxy-w-debug
2.62sec 0.01usr 0.02sys (1.44% cpu)
time wget -pdEk --delete-after --proxy=on -o log-no-proxy-w-debug www.mcafee.com
Setting --html-extension (htmlextension) to 1
Setting --convert-links (convertlinks) to 1
Setting --delete-after (deleteafter) to 1
Setting --proxy (useproxy) to on
Setting --output-file (logfile) to log-no-proxy-w-debug
2.56sec 0.02usr 0.03sys (2.14% cpu)

        You are running on Windows.  MS networking isn't known for its
speed -- especially on open/close operations, but I wouldn't think it
would be that bad.  They deliberately put in slowdowns on non-server
editions of Windows starting in XP-SP2 on opening some types
of network connections -- that could be part of the cause -- but
again, a 17 second delay seems unreasonable.

        Also depends on what your proxy server does.  I know
squid has parameters (persistent_request_timeout, client_lifetime,
pconn_timeout) to set the timeout for re-usable connections.
While the defaults in a standard 'squid' setup are reasonable,
You didn't specify what proxy you were using nor do we know how
it is configured.

        For What Its Worth -- I tried the wget statement on
my Windows-xp box.  I only tested the 'with-proxy' case, since
my windows box isn't on the external net (has to go through
the linux proxy).  It came out with times similar to those
run on the proxy machine: 2.68sec 0.04usr 0.10sys (5.72% cpu)

        I'd check the proxy.  My linux wget-1.10.1, and windows
wget (under cygwin) = 1.10.2.

        Good luck.

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