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August 27, 2002 >> Receive this email as text  >> About this e-mail
  In this Issue
>> From the editor: Tending to the lost sheep
>> Featured topic from SearchDatabase: 500 tips and scripts
>> Reader Feedback: How do you pronouce IT?

  Tending to the lost sheep
By Lowell Thing, Editor

We sometimes like to indulge ourselves with the thought that our 3,700 definitions are a large flock of sheep that we have to tend to and keep in order. Occasionally (rather rarely), one of the sheep actually wanders off a cliff and all we can do is stare down at what is left of it far below. Such a sheep would be a once-interesting product that has never been heard from again or even an old Internet facility such as "Archie" or "Gopher" that a few people try hopelessly to keep alive. For these lost sheep, we have to decide whether to remove them as part of the flock or keep a kind of placemarker for them (as we do, in fact, for "Archie" and "Gopher") so that someone who remembers them fondly will have something to read about them.

But most of the sheep-tending we do here is for those still very vital sheep who just happen to wander off a bit or injure themselves. These we have to find and mend. Just yesterday, a sheep with the rather odd name of "bits per second" showed up limping and we discovered that it mentioned 14.4 Kbps modems as still being in common use. With a little updating, we enabled "bits per second" to happily rejoin the flock. And just this morning a reader told us that "Perl" has wandered off again. It seems that "Perl" is now the name of the language and "perl" is the name of any interpreter of the language, according to its inventor, Larry Wall. ".NET" has also rejoined the flock but we'll be keeping an eye on her (some sheep have a tendency to wander).

You can sort of get a glimpse of the shepherding that goes on here by viewing our "Recently added/updated" page. On that page, those sheep recently restored to the flock are listed as "Recently updated words." Somehow we thought this would look better than "Recently updated sheep," but I guess we know what they really are, don't we?


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 Reader Feedback: How do you pronounce IT?
by Margaret Rouse, Assistant Editor

Last week we got quite a bit of mail about our newest Fast Reference "How do you pronounce IT?" Diethard O. was kind enough to take the time and let us know that he thought that "this list is a good thing, especially for people whose native language is not English."

Diethard was one of many readers who wanted to know how to pronounce "ASCII". Other popular pronunciation puzzlers included router, daemon, NetBEUI, Kerberos, and WebDAV.

John L. said he was glad we had put our home-made guide together because tricky pronunciations can be deadly at professional gatherings. "I mispronounced some Linux terms at a meeting with high-level management -- they were terms I had only read about. My faux pas (pronounced "fox paws") totally negated the point I was trying to make. Thank you for this very helpful guide!"

We figure that John was only teasing about how to pronounce "faux pas", but his point is well-taken. I'd like to personally thank those of you who took the time to gently correct my own "fox paw" last week. I now know, and will never forget, that the phrase "without further adieu" is from a Bugs Bunny cartoon and the correct expression is "without further ado" -- as in Shakespeare's play "Much Ado About Nothing". It's kind of nice having this big IT family that helps you out when you make a mistake!

I think Carol B. would agree. "Nobody wants to look like a fool by mispronouncing something in a presentation" she wrote. "I know I find it very hard to concentrate on what somebody is saying if they mispronounce something frequently in a conversation. Then, when it's my turn, I wonder if I should use their pronunciation so I don't draw attention to [their mispronunciation] or use my own pronunciation and risk alienating the person by appearing to be correcting or belittling them."

Lehnert R. wanted to know "Where can I find the antecedent of this whole "lower-ASCII pronunciation guide" that was used by the US wire services such as AP and UP back in the days of teletype and radio?" If anyone knows, please send it on to us and we'll post the URL in our Fast Reference. We agree it would be a handy thing to have!

Our fast reference is a working guide, so we invite you to keep your ideas coming! If you see any terms you think should be on our list, or disagree with a pronunciation that's already on the list, please let us know!

How do you pronounce IT?

We'd like to thank Pam Metivier, Dave V, Vincent De Keyzer, Robert Simmons, Ben Mayok, Amit Gupta, John Chambers, Cathie Agacinski, Jon De Tollenaere, Nick Nielsen, David Jenson, John Underwood, Hugh Gerechter, Ingrid Sallons, Stephanie Rothfuchs, Scott Varney, Carol Bailey, Lehnert Riegel, Margaret Dawn, Nancy Reinholt, Tom McKnight, John Paterson, Warren Willis, Caroline Mackie, Diethard Ohrt, Joni MacDonald, Paul Marsh, Mr Cynic, Walter Sherron, David Double, Robert C., Nora Holland, John Kneidel, Mark Huehls, Fred Heinemann, Sean Martin, Stephanie Vargas, Victor Fashoro, Bob McCullough, Chris Watson, Rachel Potts, Dave Pridgeon, Ric Alvarez, Tony F, Caroline Peters for their suggestions, corrections, and contributions.


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Whatis.com contacts:
Lowell Thing, Site Editor ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Margaret Rouse, Assistant Editor ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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