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November 6, 2002 >> Receive this email as text  >> About this e-mail
  In this Issue
>> From the editor: The Goat and the Teledactyl
>> Featured topic from SearchCRM.com: Web services and CRM
>> Reader Feedback: All hopped up about Hopper

  From the editor: The Goat and the Teledactyl
by Lowell Thing, Editor

Schrodinger’s cat was mad as a Red Hat. "I’m tired of being relegated to the S’s", said the cat, as it attempted once again to slide over to C.

“We know how you feel,” said the goat and the teledactyl somewhat synchronously, “it just makes you want to bloviate. I think it’s time we got the strawman, the sniglet, and the wild card character together to lob a logic bomb over into the editorial skunkworks.”

Meanwhile, over at the Editors’ desks, where they could never remember what any of these words meant, new terms were creeping in under the door and at least some of them were being captured and put in their alphabetical places. "Perigee has leaked out of my brain again," said Editor Lowell, who sometimes didn’t remember his OH from his ohnosecond. "I think it has something to do with entanglement, but I could be barking up the wrong binary tree.” He made a note on his Big Chief tablet to try to remember something.

(Also) meanwhile, Editor Margaret, working on a new crossword puzzle had only just rediscovered a wandering foo. "I found it under the G’s,” she said. "Thank Grace Hopper, it’s still there. Hmmm (she mused)… I wonder what will happen if I cross a foo with an ooblick?" And sure enough, she did, and then, adding hole and gram, made the crossword into a hologram.

By afternoon, the logic bomb had dissipated into a pleasant pink noise and the skunkworks was calm again. A valued reader was browsing through Schrodinger’s cat, and it (the cat) was once more content. The goat and the teledactyl were playing a quiet game of ping-Pong, and the penguin was playing JavaBeans in the sandbox.

Everyone yawned and then at 5 o’clock, the editors roared away in their state machine (disdaining the old backside bus) and went home (which wasn't very far because they worked at home), leaving almost 4,000 definitions in their various categories so that no one would ever have to just remember them.
 Featured Site: SearchCRM.com
FEATURED TOPIC: Web services and CRM
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 Reader Feedback: All hopped up about Hopper
by Margaret Rouse, Associate Editor

In our last newsletter, we reminded you to mark December 9th on your calendar as the first-ever International Grace Hopper Day -- a day dedicated to creative problem-solvers everywhere who hate to be told, "Because we've always done it that way."

It turns out that s
ome of our readers actually had the pleasure of meeting Admiral Grace Hopper.

James H. wrote, "Thanks for the article on Grace Hopper and the dedication of December 9 to her memory. She was quite a lady. I had the honor of meeting her and receiving one of her famous nanoseconds while she was still Captain Hopper. Your article brought back some very fond memories. We had her motto (It's easier to get forgiveness than permission) displayed prominently in our office at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. One quibble though - you referred to her smoking Lucky Strike cigarettes. I recall her smoking Camels, which are particularly harsh and probably contributed to the lung condition she suffered during the last 20 years of her life."

Bud G. also met Amazing Grace. "In 1969-1970, I was a grad student in the Geography Department, using the IBM 360. It so happened that Grace Hopper gave a lecture/seminar and three of us "Nerd geographers" attended.(In those days one could always tell a "nerd," he or she was the one walking around with a 18"x10"x4" box secured with about 100 large rubberbands.) After the lecture there was a reception for her at the Computer Science Chair's house; we weren't invited, we just showed up and walked in. We met her and passed about 20 minutes talking with her about what we were doing with our mapping programs. She was delightful to us and gave us several ideas for our code. I've been a fan ever since."

A few people wrote to say how they were going to celebrate the Grace Hopper day: Dian's MSN chat room, About Computing, will be declaring December "Admiral Grace Hopper Month". ShadowFox is going to send a letter to the editor of the Big City paper about Grace Hopper Day and then go through the CIS classrooms ringing a bell and crying "Grace Hopper Day!" MasterMech1 thinks all IT people should take the day off and let everyone else solve their own problems.

Some readers urged us to expand our horizons:

Gervas thought our idea for a Grace Hopper day was excellent, but suggested we also commemorate Charles Babbage and Alan Turing. ThePetsServant agreed. "I think we should at least equally honor Turing, who was so sadly persecuted, and Babbage, at whom so many laughed despite his great contributions to several fields."

We'd like to thank all of you who wrote to say you'll be joining us on December 9th to celebrate Grace Hopper Day. Your enthusiasm has inspired us to write a new quiz.

Take the quiz…

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Whatis.com contacts:
Lowell Thing, Site Editor ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Margaret Rouse, Assistant Editor ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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