Ian Hickson wrote:
On Mon, 11 Apr 2005, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Ian Hickson wrote:

Anyone want us to keep <a coords="">?

The reason I especially liked it was:

<object data="foo" usemap="#foo">
 <map id="foo">
   <li><a coords="...">...</a>

Yup, it is indeed nice; if image maps had been designed that way from the start it would make sense. But it's not _that_ much nicer than <area>, which we could define as allowing:

  <object data="foo" usemap="#foo">
   <map id="foo">
     <li><area coords="..." href="..."><a href="...">...</a>

...which isn't much worse, and has the very important benefit of actually working in IE6.

This would seem to undermine your position with regards to using the <a> element for menu labels:

| <menubar id="appmenu">
|   <a href="#file">File</a>
|   <menu>

   Contrast this with the following:

| <menubar id="appmenu">
|   <menulabel><a href="#file">File</a></menulabel>
|   <menu>

It's essentially the same scenario. In both situations, <a> is being used in a situation where alternative, more semantically appropriate markup already exists for the purposes of fallback. However, as illustrated in both your example and mine, <a> could simply be used within the same alternative markup to create fallback without overloading the semantics of <a>.

So, with implementations of <a coords=""> existing and gaining marketshare, why is <a coords=""> being phased out while <a href="#[menu]"> for use _within_ menus is being phased in?

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