Quoting Ian Hickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
But if you actually _set_ the size="" attribute to -1 it turns into 0, go

Ugh, I'll file a bug.

What exactly should happen here:

FAIL. Or at least I assume so. I haven't really changed anything from the
DOM2 HTML specs as far as <select> goes (including trying to clarify

Only Firefox shows FAIL. Both Opera and IE show nothing. Which seems to reflect more what the specification currently says: "Setting the value or selectedIndex
DOM attributes to values that do not correspond to any of the actual values of
the select element must unselect any selected options."

I have a question about that though. What are "actual values of the select
element". That seems to be undefined. I guess what it means is the values of
all OPTION element children either specified as contents or through the value
DOM/HTML attribute of those elements. (And that normative and fancy.)

Defined (thanks to Bjoern for some pointers).

Nice, now the term in the contentEditable specification is ok as well (as it
will refer to this definition, eventually) :-)

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