On 15 Aug 2005 at 23:00, Olav Junker Kjær wrote:

> >    Here's how it's conceptually broken: How do you submit the edited
> > content without scripting? 
> You dont. You use scripting. XMLHTTP requires scripting too, its still a
> useful feature.

Could we extend contentEditable in a way that would let the UA offer 
a non-scripting UI for "saving" the edited page? For example using 
the "form" attribute from WF2?

<form id="saveform" action="" method="put">

<div contentEditable="true" form="saveform">
    Edit me, then click save.

The UA could now offer a "Save" option that would submit the form 
with the edited data in its UI.
Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen

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