Matthew Raymond wrote:
Ian Hickson wrote:

On Fri, 26 Aug 2005, Matthew Raymond wrote:

So, effectively, what you're saying about <textarea accept="text/html"> is the following:

1) The HTML in a <textarea> is unstyled (at least unstyled by the parent document) unless styles or stylesheets are specified within the <textarea> contents.

There is no defined rendering for <textarea>. The UA would be perfectly within its rights to interpret the contents of such an element and style it using the styles of the containing document.

   The trouble is that if you don't have a DOM, CSS really doesn't make
a lot of sense. For instance, "textarea p" is illogical because the <p>
element isn't actually a child of the <textarea> because the control can
only have a text node as its child.

Right but there's nothing to stop a UA creating a DOM from the text in the textarea and making this avaliable in some implementation-dependent way. I can certianly imagine a Firefox extension designed to replace a <textarea accept="text/html"> with an <iframe contentEditable> to allow WYSIWYG HTML editing. I can equally imagine a situationwhere WYSIWYG isn't required and instead the textarea is presented as an ordinary control but with UA-provided syntax highlighting (this should be easy to implementgt where browsers use native widgets that already support highlighting) or a situation where the user is given an "edit..." button on the textarea that opens the contents in an emacs (or other external editor) buffer and allows changes to be made. Clearly these last two willalso work if the accept value is application/javascript or whatever,as well as HTML.

Not having a required WYSIWYG rendering for <textarea accept="text/html"> may be a strength rather than a weakness.

"As soon as people come up with a measurable substitute for whatever it is they care about they start treating it as more important than the real thing"
-Boris Zbarsky

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