On Fri, 21 Oct 2005 21:43:59 +0300, Ian Hickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

One of the patterns I've seen a lot while looking at big sites is this:

   <a href="record?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffoo.example.com/"> Foo </a>

...where "redirect" is a CGI script that records that the user followed
the link, and that then redirects the user to the real page (potentially
setting a cookie in the process).

This is used for four main reasons:

 1. Improving sites, by getting data regarding how users use the site.

 2. Keeping track of which adverts were clicked on, for book-keeping.

 3. Improving services, e.g. by offering a number of options, checking
    which the user picked, and making that one be the first on the list
    the next time the user uses the service.

 4. Uniquely identifying and tracking a user for evil purposes.

Sometimes more than one of the above is done, e.g. clicking on adverts
sometimes informs the publisher and the advertiser before moving the user
to the real destination.

The problem at the moment is that the redirect mechanism obscures the
eventual target URI. It would be good to have the target URI separate
from the tracking URIs, so that the UA can show each of them separately in
the UI, indicating the user who is getting told what.

Doing this would also allow the UA to easily turn off the pinging thing
for users who are worried about point 4 above.

Bearing the above in mind, I've added a section to the <a> element that
describes a ping="" attribute. The URIs given in this attribute would be
followed when the user clicks the link, thus getting around the problems
listed above.

Now, because of number 4 above, I'm guessing this is going to be
controversial, which is why I'm calling this out explicitly (as opposed to waiting til I've filled in all the TBW sections and then just asking for a
general review, since people might miss it if I did that).

Thoughts? Is it evil?


Yes, it's evil. That's my first impression. Actually, very evil.

Yet, I want it :).

Here are my thoughts on this one.

- Very, very good idea. Yet, we don't live in a perfect world.
- Developers will still use the old trick in the book. So, they won't give a ... link :) about the ping attribute. - You could enforce the usage of ping attribute if ... you specifically disallow usage of the tracking trick devs currently use. Yet, this is exagerated. - The way you currently defined the ping= attribute is ... a bit ... dislikable. I mean, you allow the usage of third-party URLs for pinging. Now... if I want to annoy my friend (and flood his server), I just put a ping= attribute pointing to his server? I would enforce the usage of ping= URLs only on the server of the page. - Why multiple ping= URLs? It's useful ... if you allow usage of different servers. Yet, if you apply my above suggestion, then ... multiple pings are no longer needed. - Nobody would really make use of it. As people actually currently ignore the existing web standards (talking about invalid HTML 4 with tables for layout instead of CSS). Those who will use ping= will be ... me ... you .... and all those who do standards-based web sites today (less than a quarter of existing web "developers"). Would be yet-another thing for ... puritans :) (or how they call us) to brag about in their "perfect" sites.

It really depends what you want: to give the users something better ... or developers and companies. If you want to give users something better ... you'd probably do what I said above. If you want to give companies "power" then just forbid disabling the use of ping= in implementations. Yet, having a separate link always gives a window of escaping, if you know what I mean. For companies, they would be happier to just not add ping= (see why I said it's evil?).

Anyway, congratulations on the idea. Very good one. Curious how it will turn out.

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