On 24 Jan, 2006, at 5:43 AM, dolphinling wrote:

Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:

Bizarre but serious conclusion: alt= should be optional for <img> in documents where a <meta name="generator"...> element is present.

How about "Authoring tools MUST only provide alternate text that the author explicitly requests,

That would seem to prevent, for example, Microsoft FrontPage from generating the obvious alt text for an Image Composer image that consisted only of text sprites. (And since Microsoft continue to misimplement the existing spec for alt=, it wouldn't be a good idea to trust them to interpret "explicitly requests" the way you want.)

and especially MUST NOT provide alt="" unless the author specifically says that the alternate content is empty. Authoring tools SHOULD make it obvious to the author what the meaning of alt= is, for example with the string "What text should be used if the image cannot be displayed?""


That example of awful alt= text was apparently made with vi. Would vi be violating your SHOULD, for not making the meaning of alt= obvious?

Problems with this approach include the following: First, it could be interpreted as disallowing pseudo-AI. This could be fixed with a note saying "This should not be interpreted as disallowing pseudo-AI in authoring tools, but even a pseudo-intelligent authoring tool MUST NOT assume an empty alt text."

I think that text fails the "wtf?" test. Does it cover the Image Composer example above? Nobody would be able to tell.

Second, it could force authoring tools to produce invalid documents if the author did not provide any alt text. However, those documents would be non-conformant anyway, so this is not a huge problem.

It would be a problem as long as "generates valid HTML" is considered a feature separate from conformance, since software can guarantee the former but not the latter. And I don't think anything in an HTML 5 spec could prevent validity from being seen as a feature. That's why I propose the <meta name="generator"...> exception for compulsory alt=.

Matthew Paul Thomas

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