Ian Hickson wrote:
On Wed, 25 Jan 2006, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
Ian Hickson wrote:
On Tue, 24 Jan 2006, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
PA<!-- > FAIL -- >SS               | " > FAIL "               | PASS
Disagree. The terminator should be "-->", not "-- S* >". I don't see any
good reason to have "-- S* >".
I was working on the assumption that the comment would end at the first occurance of '>' while in the comment end state, but that whitespace would be ignored while searching for it. Several browsers already handle it like that including Mozilla, Opera and Safari (except in Opera, the comment contained " > FAIL -"). Although IE, OmniWeb and iCab failed.

Really? In my testing, browsers didn't reliably do this. Were you testing standards mode or quirks mode? Did you have the potential to be hitting unexpected-EOF-reparse behaviour, or was it definitely the first-parse behaviour?

I tested the following in the live dom viewer using Firefox Win and Mac, Opera 8.5/Mac, Opera 9 Win and Mac, Safari 2.0.3, IE6, OmniWeb 5.1.2 and iCab 3.0.1.

<!DOCTYPE html>
PA<!-- > FAIL -- >SS

Browser   | Comment     | Rendered
Firefox   | " > FAIL "  | PASS
O 8.5/Mac | " > FAIL -" | PASS
O 9.0/Mac | " > FAIL "  | PASS
O 9.0/Win | " > FAIL "  | PASS
Safari    | (not shown) | PASS
IE6       | (not shown) | PA FAIL -- >SS
iCab      | (not shown) | PA FAIL -- >SS
OmniWeb   | (not shown) | PA FAIL -- >SS

(The live dom viewer didn't work for OmniWeb, I just used an HTML file instead)

Lachlan Hunt

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