I don't think there's any solution that doesn't break in some way.
Either we break content to element mappings, we break the single
parent relation, or we break the id to element or content mapping.


    <z id="Z">A<y id="Y">B</z>C</y>

How do we keep all of those relations? We simply can't keep them all.
For example, if we were to always close children when their parent closes:
    #element 'z'
    > #attr 'id'='Z'
    > #text 'A'
    > #element 'y'
    > > #attr 'id'='Y'
    > > #text 'B'
    #text 'C'

The obvious problem here is that the text C ends up outside #Y and
thus gets no styling etc. from #Y. This is the solution I would prefer
- we keep the id-element relation, we keep the single parent relation,
and we do no funny stuff.

How about if we instead made a copy of the inner element for the text
that overflows the outer element?
    #element 'z'
    > #attr 'id'='Z'
    > #text 'A'
    > #element 'y'
    > > #attr 'id'='Y'
    > > #text 'B'
    #element 'y'
    > #text 'C'

Well, this makes a copy with no id in it for reasons of id uniqueness,
but other attributes would of course be copied. (The solution that
breaks id uniqueness is coming after next...) So, we fixed the styling
etc. except for by id. So we've broken the id-content relation because
we broke one element into two, and thus broken the id-element
relationship. Can we correct this in some way?
    #element 'z'
    > #attr 'id'='Z'
    > #text 'A'
    > #element 'y' (fragment 1)
    > > #attr 'id'='Y'
    > > #text 'B'
    #element 'y' (fragment 2)
    > #attr 'id'='Y'
    > #text 'C'

This isn't really that much of a fix. We sure get a strange tree. See,
#Z contains the text A and fragment 1 of #Y with it's contained B. The
next sibling is fragement 2 of #Y. That's all we get if we travel up
from #Z in the DOM. But #Y consists of fragment 1 with content B and
parent #Z, and fragement 2 with content C and previous sibling #Z. So,
this might work very well from CSS point of view, but when you're
doing tree traversals it'll get nasty. Element-content relations are
intact, as are id-content and id-element. But parent-child relations
and the single parent relation is gone. Essentially we need a
pseudo-node for #Y that contains two actual nodes, with different
content-element relations depending on which we're looking at. This is
a botched solution indeed. So, how about dropping id uniqueness then?
    #element 'z'
    > #attr 'id'='Z'
    > #text 'A'
    > #element 'y'
    > > #attr 'id'='Y'
    > > #text 'B'
    #element 'y'
    > #attr 'id'='Y'
    > #text 'C'

Well, the obvious problems with this are for things like ::before in
CSS or getElementById in the DOM. We have two different #Y elements,
not a single one. How about trying an entirely different strategy:
    #element 'z'
    > #attr 'id'='Z'
    > #text 'A'
    > #element 'y' (fragment 1)
    > > #attr 'id'='Y'
    > > #text 'B'
    > > ano
    > > > #text 'C'

In the first example we cut the child as soon as we reached the parent
closing tag. But here we instead extend the parent to enclose the
child. Why do we insert that anonymous construct there? Well, maybe if
our style engine can remove some matching rules from these anynomous
constructs and can jump inheritance for them, we can get something
that works for correcting the style of C so that it doesn't get styles
from #Z. The DOM will obviously be cleaner than the third example, but
not quite as true to the source.

Anyway, what I'm saying here is that there are a lot of different ways
to tackle this, and none of them does the right thing in all
situations. Particularly the DOM is hard to get a good representation
of, because the source breaks the single parent relation. I don't know
which one would be best from a backwards compatibility perspective,
but I'd like to see as simple a solution as possible.
David "liorean" Andersson

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