I see this is still an open issue[1]. Is this now implemented as #1
(space-delimited class names to match)?

I suggest either going with the space-delimited approach (as it's
language-agnostic and well-defined at least) or with Aankhen's
suggestion of a single array argument.

I think the latter is better and more intuitive in design, however.
The function should take a single argument at all times.

If the argument is a string, that string is used as a single class
name and matched against the elements in the document.
Else if the argument is an array, each element of the array is taken
as a string and will be treated as a class name.
The elements which have all of the class names existing in the array
will match and be returned in the NodeList.


[1] - http://whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#getelementsbyclassname

On 9/5/05, Lachlan Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jim Ley wrote:
> > On 9/5/05, Lachlan Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>I may not be understanding what you mean, but if optional parameters
> >>aren't language independant, shouldn't it be defined in a more language
> >>independant way, so that any non-ECMAScript languages can still
> >>implement this?
> >
> > Yes, DOM currently is language agnostic, however the optional
> > className parameters aren't compatible with languages which can't do
> > that.  So as defined now getElementsByClassName would not manage to do
> > that.
> In that case, should it be redefined as:
>    NodeList getElementsByClassName(in DOMString classNames);
> where classNames is a string of space separated class names?  That would
> be just as easy to implement and would work with languages that don't
> support optional parameters.
> --
> Lachlan Hunt
> http://lachy.id.au/

Brad Fults

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