On Tue, 28 Feb 2006 14:09:01 +0200, Loune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


What this achieves:
With the anchor event handling implemented in a webpage, the page can now react to backwards and forwards events of the browser, without having to reload the whole page. The user can also bookmark a specific state of the page, as specified in the URL.

Comments appreciated,

Yes, great suggestion Loune, as Alexey said.

I've been following the WHATWG mailing list for quite some time now and, as far as I remember, the "AJAX problem" has already been discussed. Even the specification (if I am not mistaking) provides the means of tackling/solving the problem, see Session history and navigation [1].

Yet, as I see it, your suggestion is more elegant and easier to use. The state objects defined by WA 1.0 are very good, but they might be "way too much" for simple usage.

[1] http://whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#scs-session

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