On Mar 2, 2006, at 9:21 AM, ROBO Design wrote:
I'd highly recommend not to define the icon attribute, or any other attribute with possible relation to presentation. This fuels accusations that what this specification defines is not "as semantical as" the XHTML 2 specification

If that's true -- and it's hard to tell, because the XHTML 2 draft is so wordy -- then HTML 5 is probably on the right track. (Even then, as I described in January, a few parts of the Web Apps draft are almost certainly too semantic for most HTML authors to follow. < listserver.dreamhost.com/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2006-January/ 005431.html>)

(I've read some "WHATWG bashing" in some blog posts).

That's not a useful comment. What did they say?

Defining icons and other presentational endeavours must definitely be left to CSS WG.


Lets take the icon. Designers would immediately want to define the positioning of the icon: top, right, bottom, left - in pixels, percents, etc - similar to background position.

And UA vendors would be free to ignore such attempts on platforms for which such customized positioning would not make sense. Which is, all of them.

Then they'll "hack" into the DOM to change the icon on hover, and do some more.

That would be unfortunate, and it would be nice if UA vendors ignored attempts to do that too, though not as important.

All this stuff must be defined by the CSS WG.


The WA 1.0 "loosely" defines the icon attribute. That's not an attribute of a semantical value, it's for a pure presentational purpose.

The difference between <select> and <input type="radio"> ... <input type="radio"> is purely presentational. The difference between <select multiple> and <input type="checkbox"> ... <input type="checkbox"> is purely presentational. The difference between <input type="text"> and <input type="password"> is purely presentational. That doesn't mean they shouldn't all exist.

If Ian Hickson really wants to define the icon attribute in the spec, then he should go further and offer complete customization over the way the icon is rendered.

Why? Native menu implementations don't.

Or should the icon render as normal icons render in the default chrome of the user agent (most likely of the OS)?


If that's the case, designers won't be happy either (neither myself, being a designer too). We always like to do different designs.

Then do what native application developers do in the same situation, when they want to be gratuitously inconsistent with the rest of the platform: implement your own menu controls. That will be more difficult than using <command>, of course, which is good because it means authors will be more likely to use <command> instead.

Matthew Paul Thomas

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