> The mimetype you're defining, because it is new, pretty-much ensures
> no existing service behind an intranet could be affected.

> I could still envision one day developers setting-up JSON syndication
> services behind an intranet, not quite grokking the fact that their
> data is now accessible from outside of their intranet. Silly, i know
> but ...

It is a concern. The only solution to that that I can see is education. When choosing a technology for a service, whether SOAP or REST or JSONRequest or whatever, you need to understand the pros and cons. A con with JSONRequest is that if your are incompetent in determining your authentications, then data may leak. For that reason, some people might choose to not use JSONRequest, and I could support such a decision. But for people who want to use it (and that includes me), we must be prepared to design our systems correctly. I know this is a controversial position.


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