Quoting Alexey Feldgendler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
One can also say that authors should not have explicit control over whether hyperlinks are underlined or not.

The difference is that underlining is presentation, spell checking is not. The functionality of a link cannot be changed with CSS, likewise spell checking shouldn't either.

Enabling or disabling spell checking doesn't change the functionality
of an input. It can still be used to submit arbitrary text to the
server. But misspelled words in an input with spellchecking enabled are
underlined with a wavy red line (and the underlining style could even
be changed by CSS), and that's presentation.

And providing alternate suggestions, synonyms et cetera is too? Having some kind of "semantic sheets" would be cool I guess for these kind of things... I guess it looks like it would fit in CSS because the functionality is not strictly needed, but I'm unsure if it's really just presentation...

Anne van Kesteren

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