On Thu, 24 Aug 2006 18:44:26 +0200, Sander Tekelenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I agree with all the arguments against speccing this, but also this smells
much more like a browser feature to me. I think a much more realistic
approach would be for browser vendors to offer a setting to try to by default select the user's country when they encounter such a list in a page's form.


A good implementation would
- know how to handle different spellings/synonyms (like US/USA, UK/England,
Holland/The Netherlands/Nederland, etc.)
- make proper use of the OS' language/location settings, if available, for
its initial setting, but allow the user to override that (because, for
example, many run their OS in american english even though their location or
nationality may be something else.)

Some people will probably argue that users won't bother to define their
settings for this, but IMO that only means that the user apparently doesn't care then.

Right. Or is like me and selects too many countries for too many different things to have a sensible default.

I imagine the quickest way to get an implementation would be in the form of a Firefox plug-in.

Actually, it should be possible as a user javascript, for anyone who can write javascript right.

find select where option="$Locale"
remove selected from option selected in that select.
Set option="$locale" selected.

or something like that.

Hi Sander, BTW.



  Charles McCathieNevile, Opera Software: Standards Group
  hablo español  -  je parle français  -  jeg lærer norsk
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