
the second image exposes exactly the problem that an alignment parameter would solve:

"TR" and "1/2pi" could be drawn aligned "baseline right" to the references point on the y-axis. "0.97" and "pi" could be drawn aligned "top center" to the reference points on the x-axis.

The badly rendered example image looks like single characters are placed at fixed positions out of context. Of course, this will lead to problems not only when the fonts are substituted, but also for the slight differences in font sizes...

Best regards,

James Graham wrote:
Stefan Haustein wrote:
p.s.: To simplify coping with changing font sizes, it probably makes sense to add an "align" parameter (left|center|right top|center|baseline|bottom) to the drawString call...

How does that solve the font substitution problem? This is a real problem that people actually have with exactly the use cases you propose (e.g. [1]).

[1] http://golem.ph.utexas.edu/~distler/blog/archives/000888.html

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