On 10/30/06, Anders Rundgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"Michael(tm) Smith" wrote:
>> It is equally interesting that W3C intends to start a new browser
>> authentication WG but have excluded digital signatures and key
>> provisioning from the charter in spite of the fact that about 10M
>> people today have to use proprietary browser-plugins in order
>> to get their work done.  Maybe an answer to that is that this
>> is only happening in the EU which in this particular space is roughly
>> 5 years ahead of the US government and financial industry.

>The use of proprietary mechanisms (mostly ActiveX controls) for
>digital signatures is common in Korean sites as well, including
>Korean government sites.

That's right. They sure are proprietary; I was not even able to get
the Korean e-goverment signature spec since it is "secret"!

Anders Rundgren

Korean mechanism is same with general pki's. Its structure has been
followed by pki standards and browser user-interface for certificates.
The different things has own 128bit cryptography algorithm so called
SEED and adds digital signature for messages to be legal authorizing.
This spec is not secret and gives in http://www.rootca.or.kr/maine.jsp


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