On Sun, 05 Nov 2006 10:55:05 +0100, Alexey Feldgendler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think this hasn't been suggested before. Perhaps the method should
accept a DOMTokenString as argument instead of an array. This allows
things like ele.getElementsByClassName(ele.className) etc. The only
problem is how to get a DOMTokenString without first getting .className
 from somewhere. Perhaps it should be a constructor as well. 'x = new
DOMTokenString("aaa bbb")'

How is it better than DOMString?

It inherits from DOMString. http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#domtokenstring defines it.

Hixie, the title attribute of the remove(token) definition says dom-tokenstring-add rather than dom-tokenstring-remove...

Anne van Kesteren

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