On Nov 9, 2006, at 13:18, Henri Sivonen wrote:

Not deployed yet.

The table integrity checker is now part of all (X)HTML presets at

There's a pseudo-schema called http://hsivonen.iki.fi/checkers/table/ which isn't a schema but a magic URL that causes the system to instantiate the table integrity checker.

There's a pseudo-pseudo-schema called http://hsivonen.iki.fi/checkers/ all/ which expands to all pseudo-schemas, but at the moment, there's only one.

This isn't necessarily "release often", but this is "release early". I have very few test cases. If the checker doesn't work as previously advertised in this thread, please let me know.

There are other new features, too:
* The pipeline has an xml:id processor in it and a filter that applies IDness to XHTML id. This allows custom Schematron schemas to use the id() function without a DTD. * There's a very preliminary preview of support for the <embed> element.

There are also a couple of bug fixes. The XHTML5 conformance checker preview version shouldn't crash anymore.

Henri Sivonen

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