Le 10 nov. 2006 à 14:19, Alexey Feldgendler a écrit :

On Fri, 10 Nov 2006 23:47:05 +0600, Steve Runyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Couldn't we extend the <label> element to work for images as well as form elements? The for attribute would provide the explicit link to the image that would take the label's contents out-of-stream for screen readers, and would likewise (with some CSS changes, I suppose) allow the caption to be
positioned correctly relative to the image for visual browsers.

Today's browsers seem to have problems about <label> outside of <form>.

And today's browsers also have problems with <caption> outside a table, which implies that my previously proposed markup for this:

      <caption>caption text</caption>
      ... figure content here ...

would not work correctly in today's browsers. But if you look at things in another way, today's Firefox can't handle <section>, <aside>, <header>, and <footer> correctly either (stopping the section at the first block-level element!). So it seems that Web Applications 1.0 already requires browser vendors to do some minor changes to the DOM unknown markup created previously; maybe supporting <caption> or <label> could be part of these changes.

Also, the last versions of Safari and Opera work fine with <section>, but that's relatively new because not so long ago they couldn't. Should we take this as a sign that browser vendors are willing to do the necessary changes to work with the new elements? Could such changes be extended to <caption> or <legend>?

What I like about the figure markup above is that it can be styled in the same way as a table:

    figure  { display: table; }
    caption { display: table-caption; }

which makes <figure> behave as a one-cell table, and <caption> behave as the caption for that table (and you can play with `caption-side: bottom` too). The only problem is that it doesn't work presently because <caption> is completely ignored when outside a table.

Michel Fortin

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