The contents of the element must be placed between just after the start tag (which might be implied, in certain cases) and just before the end tag (which again, might be implied in certain cases).

I wonder about the "just after" and "just before". Is there something in the middle that is not just after and just before? I think it might be clearer to state, "The contents of the element must be placed between the start tag (which might be implied, in certain cases) and the end tag (which again, might be implied in certain cases)." or "The contents of the element must be placed after the start tag (which might be implied, in certain cases) and before the end tag (which again, might be implied in certain cases)."

and what about the word "placed"? That seems to suggest that one could put this content somewhere else. I think of it more as the placement defines what is and is not the content so how about,

"The content of the element is all the text between the start tag (which might be implied, in certain cases) and the end tag (which again, might be implied in certain cases)."

Elliotte Rusty Harold  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Java I/O 2nd Edition Just Published!

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