On 12/1/06, James M Snell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What is the purpose of using alternate links? What is a UA supposed to
do with 'em? Why did I as a content publisher choose to use the
"alternate" link relation? Are all of these links of equal value to all
UA's?  Are they all expected to be processed in the same basic way?
Should an "archive" feed be treated the same way as a "subscription" feed?

Excellent point. HTML has link relations for this purpose. The list is
open, so you don't you really need to have a standard, but I suppose
putting them in Web Applications 1.0 would be a good idea.

  <link rel="alternate subscribe"
        href="feed.xml" />
  <link rel="alternate edit"
        href="entry.xml" />
  <link rel="alternate subsribe"
        href="rss.xml" />

<link rel="alternate feed"
         href="feed.xml" />
 <link rel="edit"
         href="entry.xml" />

I think this would be a great thing to standardize in the WHAT-WG.


Robert Sayre

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