Le 20 déc. 2006 à 6:57, Matthew Raymond a écrit :

A "presentational markup language" would be like SVG or X3D. They use
markup to create a presentation that may or may not be meaningful.

Huh, what is a "meaningful presentation" exactly? To me, what is meaningful content is *not* presentational. The presentation is the way you arrange and surround your content to make it attractive (or not). Your definition of SVG as "presentational" precludes it from being meaningful, although you specifically say it can be meaningful too so I'm a little confused.

SVG is simply an image description markup language, just like HTML is a document description markup language. SVG being presentational depends on how it is used. SVG may be suitable for visual media mostly, that doesn't automatically make it presentational.

And just like HTML, you can, to a degree, separate the meaningful parts from the presentational parts in an SVG image: if a color was chosen for presentational reasons, set it using CSS; if the chosen font for a block of text is not meaningful to the document, set it with CSS or just inherit it from the HTML document if you have inline SVG.

Michel Fortin

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