On Jan 3, 2007, at 19:05, Sander Tekelenburg wrote:

At 22:26 -0500 UTC, on 2007-01-02, Matthew Raymond wrote:


   Okay, how 'bout this:

| <excerpt>
|   <p>
|     <q>rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb</q>
|     [<cite><a href="www.example.com">Nemo, Works, IV</a></cite>]
|   </p>
| </excerpt>

FWIW, I still cannot follow exactly what problem people are trying to solve
in this thread.

This may look snarky, but it seems to me that this thread is mainly about finding a problem that <q>, cite='' and <cite> would solve and then tightening their definitions so that they could actually solve that problem.

Henri Sivonen

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