Alexey Feldgendler wrote:
I don't like the idea of reusing an existing presentational element such as <u>. Otherwise we'd immediately have the web full of incorrect uses of the element.

I agree strongly.

Rule number one: Do not confuse users. Therefore it is bad usability to underline anything that is not a link.

Rule number two: Do not confuse developers. If developer A starts building an app using <u> to mean anything else but "underlined text", then developer B comes along, sees all existing markup - gets confused - and it will take quite a while for her/him to get up to speed.

The only current element that can be used instead of <m> is <span>, like in <span class="highlight">, <span class="ambigous"> or <span class="searchresult">

I think that is good enough. We do not need need the <m> element.

Lars Gunther

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