On Wed, 21 Feb 2007, Ryan Sarver wrote:


I hear you ... the idea is really two fold -- the first part is to standardize how web applications access the location information, regardless of how it is determined. The second is to offer a standard way of different location acquiring technologies -- GPS, Wifi positioning, geocoding an user-entered address, etc -- to deliver location to the browser. In this case I am proposing using the NMEA standard as it is well documented and would allow for compatibility with existing GPS devices.

Following on from Michael Smith's email on proosed W3C work in this area, I thought it might be helpful to provide a litte context.

There is a great deal of interest in location based web applications and the challenge is how to expose this to browsers in a way that is independent of how the location is determined. Web applications may need control over what format the information is provided, and how often it is updated when the device is moving.

There are obviously lots of security concerns over location and this is part of a broader context of giving web applications richer access to device capabilities. A common approach is to ask the user for permission each time the application is run. That raises usability concerns, such as is the user able to discern whether the application is bona fide website or whether it is a phishing site masquerading as a bona fide website. This is a real problem for desktop browsers and is likely to be an even greater challenge on the smaller displays on mobile devices. Walled gardens provide a partial solution, but don't scale to the Internet as a whole.

W3C's April 2006 workshop on transpency and usability of web authentication looked at some of the issues, see:


We are now planning a further workshop for June 5-6 in Dublin, Ireland to follow up with a broader look at the issues involved in declative models of distributed web applications. A public call for papers will be issued in the near future. An brief outline is given at:


 Dave Raggett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett

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