The spec mentions the use of XHTML5 elements inside other XML-based document formats. However, the use of foreign namespaces inside XHTML5 is not covered.

The obvious candidates for compound document mixing are SVG and MathML. Also, there are indications that people will want to embed RDF metadata in documents even though the syntax of RDF is designed for external metadata and isn't really all that good for embedded metadata. I think WA 1.0 should give some guidance on these matters.

Where should the svg element from the SVG namespace be allowed in an XHTML5 host document? (My expectation: It should be allowed at least everywhere where the img element would be allowed. There may be good arguments for allowing svg as block as well.)

Where should the math element from the MathML namespace be allowed in an XHTML5 host document? (My expectation: It should be allowed where strictly inline level content is allowed. My understanding is that also display math has inline semantics even though it has a blockish presentation.)

Where should the RDF element from the RDF namespace be allowed in an XHTML5 host document? (My expectation: It should be allowed as a child of the head element. Other metadata goes there and the contents of head are hidden in legacy browsers, so the text node descendants of the RDF element from the RDF namespace won't leak to presentation in legacy browsers. Also, if conformance checkers don't have a hole that allows embedded RDF, people who want to embed RDF will come up with worse workarounds to avoid eliciting errors in conformance checking. To work around the fact that RDF envelope is designed for external metadata and not embedded metadata, XHTML5 should probably suggest that authors use rdf:about="" to refer to the current document as per XMP*.)

And then something more controversial:
Should an XHTML5 conformance checker allow arbitrary foreign elements as children of the head element in order to allow free experimentation with invisible non-RDF metadata in a way that doesn't encourage experimenters to put their stuff inside comments or something equally ugly?

* XMPspecification.pdf page 23

Henri Sivonen

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