On Feb 25, 2007, at 21:45, Keryx Web wrote:

A few examples that I think is bad practice (99.9 % of the time it's used):

- Inline styles

I might be persuaded to issue one warning per document if the document uses the style='' attribute. (What should the warning say and why?)

- Empty p-elements, or p elements containing only  

Currently, these are errors, but I expect Hixie to get rid of the requirement for significant inline content. Since the code is already written and usable as a pseudo-schema in the generic UI, I could continue offering it for those who really want it and know how to customize things from the generic UI. However, I think leaving significant inline checking on even as merely warnings might lead to a pointless arms race with editors doing silly stuff to silence warnings.

- A table within a table cell (Has this ever been used for anything but layout?)

Many sites want to use a main layout table and then proper tables in the page content inside the layout table. Encouraging them to use positioning or misuse float would only make things worse.

You do get a warning (or in some cases error) if a table has unoccupied slots, because that's likely something that the author did not intend. However, nested tables are usually intentional.

- Iframes

So many sites use iframes for ads that emitting a warning would probably only cause an inflation of the value of warnings.

Henri Sivonen

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