On Mar 1, 2007, at 08:26, Lachlan Hunt wrote:

The browser could send along the list of supported MIME types in it's accept header for video formats, like:

Accept: application/ogg, video/mpeg, video/mp4, application/mp4, video/quicktime, */*;q=0.1

Content negotiation is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to GET. :-)

The problem in this case is that the media types map roughly to the container formats. However, the codecs are what really count. For example, MPEG-4 Simple Profile, MPEG-4 Advanced Simple Profile and H. 264 all live in the video/mp4 container. However, support for these codecs and their zillion subprofiles varies. (Yet another example why optional profiles in spec are bad for interop. The profiling of the MPEG-4 video stuff is worse than any Web spec "Mobile Profile".)

Henri Sivonen

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