The recent discussion of possibly making the href attribute global brings to mind a broader issue. To what extent should semantics and behavior belong to specific elements, and to what extent should they be carried by global attributes that can apply to any element?

XHTML2 moves a lot of semantics and behavior from elements to global attributes. For example, href can turn any element into a hyperlink, and src can turn any element into an image.

HTML5 has so far not taken this approach - elements generally remain distinct, and new behaviors and semantics appear in the form of new elements.

In my opinion, it is usually better to put primary semantics on elements rather than attributes. Here are a few reasons, in approximate decreasing order of importance:

- An element is generally seen as a separate thing in itself, whereas an attribute is just an attribute. So it is natural to think of an element having more semantic strength than an attribute.

- Semantics that has associated behavior often has an associated DOM API. For example, the A element has a number of attributes related to its use as a hyperlink source, to programmatically retrieve or change only part of the href URI. If any element could have the href attribute, the options become omitting the API, adding it to all elements, or (yuck) making it conditionally present on all elements based on presence or absence of the attribute.

- It's easier (and, in many implementations, more efficient) to style by tag name rather than by presence or absence of an attribute.

- Typically, browser implementations have an implementation class per element, but not a class per attribute, so putting primary semantics and behavior on an element instead of an attribute promotes clean implementation. Otherwise, all behavior ends up in the HTMLElement base class.

Finally, I'd like to conclude with this reductio ad absurdum of the XHTML2 approach. If assigning behavior and semantics to attributes is so much better, why not just have a single <elt> element:

<elt role="paragraph">My cat is really cute: <elt src="mycat.jpeg">picture of my cat</elt>. Check out <elt href="story.html">this <elt role="emphasis">hilarious</elt> story about her</elt>.</elt>

I find the HTML approach much more readable and more semantically clear:

<p>My cat is really cute: <img src="mycat.jpg" alt="picture of my cat">. Check out <a href="story.html">this <em>hilarious</em> story about her</a>.</p>


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