I'm not so sure it is a workaround though.
If you know that the event will bubble, you can make your handler prevent bubbling.

I don't think we should be adding two new events to a spec, when the existing events can work in the way you want, albeit with a line more code. If we did, we'd be forever adding very specialized events.

Mouseover/out events will trigger when elements contained inside the EventTarget are hovered, and then bubble up. This is contrary to the most obvious interpretation, as you are still inside (over) the targeted element. IE supports two events, mouseenter [1] and mouseleave[2], which solve this problem by not bubbling.

It is possible to work around the problem by using target/ relatedTarget and walking up the DOM tree. However, this requires extra code for every event handler. Besides, these events were often not meant to be generated in the first place, by the intent of the author.

I have no statistics for how often mouseover/out are used with and without intent of bubbling, but the anecdotal evidence from my own experience has never found me wanting it.

I suggest these two events be added to the web applications spec.

[1] http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/ events/onmouseenter.asp [2] http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/ events/onmouseleave.asp

Can't you just return false from an event handler to prevent further bubbling?

As mentioned there are workarounds, although I don't think attempting to add anti-bubbling handlers on every descendant element is a reliable one. This unwanted bubbling puts extra load on the user agent for processing it, and the script author to work around it, when removing the root cause is easily possible by making the event non-bubbling to begin with.

Magnus Kristiansen
"Don't worry; the Universe IS out to get you."

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