On 21 Mar 2007, at 00:27, Simon Pieters wrote:

I asked for the resurrection of HTML+'s <image>fallback</image>
element last month. I was told that would break existing implementations

Existing implementations include at least:

 * Internet Explorer
 * Firefox
 * Opera
 * Safari

The <image> start tag is parsed as if it were <img>, so you would get both the image and the fallback with HTML+ markup. Existing content rely on this behaviour, which is why it was added to the Parsing spec (see "A start tag whose tag name is "image"", and see comment in source).

So what's the problem?
Content with a doctype of <!DOCTYPE html> or <!DOCTYPE htmlplus> is treated correctly, and content without a doctype is handled in quirks mode, where the UA can look for </image> and if found in a suitable place, treat the start tag as <image>, or if not found, treat the start tag as <img>. Any content using <image> in strict mode with another HTML doctype is broken anyway, so it doesn't really matter how that looks.

- Nicholas.

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