On Wed, 21 Mar 2007 21:58:34 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
RE; See the inputmode="" attribute in the current draft.

I'm familiar with it from XForms but unless if totally missed a trick it is oriented towards languages and modes (such as lowerCase) rather than filtering/refusing certain keys - I will dig back in incase I missed something in Xforms...

That's a UI issue really.

Re: This can be easily achieved with a simple script but I wonder if it's desirable.

but the point of webforsm is to avoid scripts where possible (so it works for high security peeps as well as accessibility peeps...), isn't it?

as for desireable - well if WEb forms is part of the WEB API initiative and both legacy applications (unix/dos based), contemporary applications (key code fields in installation dialogs) and future apps (my next project!! ;-)) I suspect it is both useful and desireable (if you've ever been a data inputter you'll know what i mean. If you are uncomfortable with 'autotabbing' then a trimmed down version might be making a field with readonly elements e.g. 01/02/1945 as __/__/___ Still autotabbing is a feature I have been asked to deliver about once ever six months for the last 10 years (and using script have done so) I just want to make it work for my banking friends who have scripts turned off and who are ALWAYS using legacy style apps so get frustrated when clunk web apps don't provide the facility (especially when hitting the right arrow on a form element doesn' jump you to the next element.

Well, for dates for instance there's a native input type. So that isn't really a good use case.

My feelings is that it is both desireable and useful (and I'd like to see improved keyboard accessibility (such as arrow keys too) but this is probably not the place for that rant!...

Anne van Kesteren

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