On Mar 22, 2007, at 3:33 AM, Christian F.K. Schaller wrote:

A fallback without a mandated 'minimum' codec is next to worthless. Standards with similar goals of interoperability, like DLNA, have ended up choosing some mandated codecs (which are all 'older' codecs) and some optional higher quality codecs. A standard which does not mandate any codecs in this area quickly becomes a joke as you might easily end up having no two implementations actually be interoperable.

Even interoperability at the API and markup level would be a huge step forward relative to the current state of web video. While also having a single universally implemented codec would also be good, that may not presently be feasible.

Regarding the specific issue of mobile devices this is a highly speculative argument. There is nothing stopping Theora chips from being produced and since many 'hardware decoders' are actually programmable DSP's this is even less of an
real argument.

This is true of hardware audio decoders, but not hardware video decoders, which use dedicated circuit blocks. If Ogg suddenly became popular it would likely be a several year pipeline before there were any hardware decoders.

Case in point: my Nokia N800 certainly does not play H264. The Flash videos that it can play are not played using hardware decoder support. I don't know many hardware players that actually play H264 - I'm guessing the iPod video is one of the
few, and that player does not support web browsing.

Most Flash video uses on the Sorenson Spark codec which is based on H. 263. This is a much less processor-intensive codec than more modern options, but also gives worse compression. H.264 has been approved as one of the codecs for 3GPP so you can expect it to be supported by mobile devices in the future. Modern hardware decoders these days support H.263, MPEG-4 Part II, and H.264. These also happen to be the 3GPP codecs.

We are very sympathetic to the desire for interoperability, and we
would really like there to be a codec that every browser can feel
comfortable implementing. But we are not sure such a codec exists at
this time (except for really primitive things, if you want to count
animated GIF or APNG as video codecs).

I am sure that if everyone else starts supporting Theora and Vorbis then Apple will quickly
start feeling comfortable, it's the way the market works.

Apple doesn't currently support WMV, despite it being a popular format for video on the web, so I'm not sure that follows.


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