Gervase Markham wrote:
I'll let others comment on this. But I would note that JPEG2000 is technically superior to JPEG, but hasn't been widely implemented due to patent issues.

Correction: "in part due to patent issues".

The problem is not that it's $5 million, it's that the amount is unknown and unmeasurable. They have no "fixed fee above a certain number of units" licensing policy.

My apologies; that's wrong. I assumed the earlier quote on this list was the sum total of the applicable terms. There is a cap and, as Maciej says, it's $4.25M per year in 2007-08, and $5M per year in 2009-10.

Such a figure is, of course, entirely out of reach for every single free software browser project other than Firefox - including the one on which Safari was based.

And even if they did, a Mozilla license wouldn't cover other members of that community.

This part of my point stands.


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