So, I was just trying to check my blog for HTML5 conformance [1] and ran into a conformance problem that I had trouble sorting out.

The conformance checker said:

1. Fatal Error: End tag param seen even though the element is an empty element.
      Line 121, column 73 in resource

so, I went to #param to see what the restrictions on param are. In that section it says:

Content model:

which brought up the question "what's 'empty' mean?". In my mind, it could either be "no content allowed" or "must be a void element" (ie, no end tag).

It took me awhile to realize that empty content was the same thing as a void element (it is, right?), which then helped be figure out that param couldn't have an end tag.

It'd be nice if we could make this clearer in the spec– even though the language and html serialization are two different things, for the sake of authors it'd be nice to have pointers between the two.

Also, if there's a difference between content=empty and 'void elements' it deserves an explanation.


1. 2Fblog%2F&parser=html5

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