Woha, please put the subject in the subject field, not the full proposal.

Anyway, I agree with Preston, making 3 roundtrips to the server seems quite suboptimal. I would would instead try to integrate the data attribute from <datalist> and <select> elements.

Microsoft has some stuff that deals with streaming data into tables (and I'll make a post in a second regarding a related idea I have). You should take a look at that.

Best Regards,
Jonas Sicking

Dmitry Turin wrote:
Now there is table-element with predetermined quantity of column.
But sometimes we need to visualize three tables (for example, database tables) 
as one table:
first table contains names of rows,
second table contains names of columns (this table determine quantity of 
third table contains data.
I offer new html-element "table3" for that:

<table3 rows="r.htm"              col="c.htm"              data="d.htm">
<table3 rows="/cgi-bin/a.cgi?q=r" col="/cgi-bin/a.cgi?q=c" 

Content of "r.htm":

<th id=1>RowName1</th>
<th id=2>RowName2</th>
<th id=3>RowName3</th>

Content of "c.htm":

<th id=10>ColName1</th>
<th id=20>ColName2</th>
<th id=30>ColName3</th>

Content of "d.htm":

<td row=1 col=10>Data11</td>
<td row=1 col=20>Data12</td>
<td row=1 col=30>Data13</td>
<td row=2 col=10>Data21</td>
<td row=2 col=20>Data22</td>
<td row=2 col=30>Data23</td>
<td row=3 col=10>Data31</td>
<td row=3 col=20>Data32</td>
<td row=3 col=30>Data33</td>

If some row or column don't exist for cell of data,
then cell of data is throwed out.

Requests in database for "r.htm" and "c.htm":
 select '<th id='  + field_id + '>' + field_name + '</th>' from ...
Request for "d.htm":
 select '<td row=' + field_i + ' col=' + field_j + '>' + field_data + '</td>' 
from ...

Dmitry Turin

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