Sander schreef:

Stijn Peeters schreef:
Sander schreef:
Křištof Želechovski schreef:

The acronym URL expands to "Uniform Resource **Locator**”. The string “print:#” does not match this spec: it is not a locator, it is a processing instruction. BTW, the full form of the local URL “#” can be viewed as “html:#” (whether it is allowed by the URL standard or not) which means that you need a URL to access the resource you want to print; prefixing it with “print:” would result in a double URL scheme, which is unacceptable. Therefore it is better to use a special target, if any.

Would href="print://" have been better then?
I think new URI schemes are outside the scope of the WHATWG work. See also and

My initial request was not about a specific technique, but about a functionality. If a pseudo-protocol is not an option, maybe there's another solution.

Certainly, just wanted to point out that in the case you'd consider a URI scheme the best option, this was not the appropriate place to discuss it further.

As for the request itself, I think I agree with Lachlan: I do not see a real reason to implement something that is already perfectly covered by javascript:print(). It is indeed basic funtionality of most browsers but I think this is also a reason _not_ to implement a specific attribute or element for this, as it would be redundant. Javascript has traditionally been used as a means of accessing the browser's functionality (back, forward, refresh, input prompts, confirmation dialogs...) and printing fits well in there.



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