On Wed, 01 Aug 2007 13:06:30 +0200, WeBMartians <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I "copy." So, it's essentially a question of expediency. Is that proper for a standard? Don't read me wrong - faced with getting the bloody document out, I'd opt for what is running today, too.

If a standard doesn't consider practical contraints it will never become a standard as it will not be implemented.

Formally stated, my position is "leave it as is," but out of curiosity, do you see any obvious holes (especially security ones) with extending the graphics primitives to handle any rectangular entities, not just <canvas>?

There are lots of potential problems, such as how it would interact with plugins or some video if both render to the same context. Or if you allow it on elements such as <div> what would happen if text resizing caused the canvas to rescale, et cetera.

Anne van Kesteren

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