Simon Pieters wrote:

I don't see any need for it to be case-sensitive for XHTML5. :-)

Correct me if this is incorrect but as far as I can see, according to the specs authors have been using, id and name are case-sensitive in XHTML 1.x just as in HTML 4.01.

Since HTML5 handles standard HTML, tag soup, and faux-XHTML (i.e. almost all public web content), what is the benefit of introducing a backwards incompatibility with the XHTML 1.x specifications for the application/xhtml+xml serialization, in which any content (the "esoteric cases" Hixie mentioned) correctly relying on case sensitivity would break?

It doesn't really help conversion betweens serializations, since any conversion process would involve a normalization of text/html id's to lowercase.

Are there any application/xhtml+xml pages incorrectly relying on case insensitivity to work?

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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