----- Original Message ----- From: "Ian Hickson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 6:42 PM
Subject: Offline Web Apps

(If you reply, please only include one of the mailing lists in your reply. Thanks.)

So I read through all the offline Web app discussions:


...and various others.


It seems like we are talking about the following kinds of scenarios:

1. User goes to a page, then, without closing the page, goes offline
  and uses it, then goes back online and continues to use it. The
  page and its subresources are always at their most
  up-to-date. Interactions with the page while offline are synced to
  the server when going online.

2. User goes to a page, then closes the browser. User restarts the
  browser while offline, and goes to the page. User restarts the
  browser again while online, and goes to the page. The page and its
  subresources are always at their most up-to-date. Interactions with
  the page while offline are synced to the server when going online.

3. Same as 1 or 2, except that the user is not online for long enough
to fully download the updated resources. The application doesn't stop working, it is still usable the second time the user is offline.


We also seem to have the following requirements:

* Some way to specify what pages are needed while offline, even if
  the page doesn't link to it.

* Some way to handle two offline Web apps both using the same
  secondary resource, if we have some sort of versioning scheme. (So
  you can update the two apps independently without breaking either
  despite them using the same resource.)

* Resilience to updates -- if the page is open when you go online and
  there's an update pending, or when you go online just as you're
  loading the page (common with wireless networks, since you're
  likely to take a few seconds to connect and your browser is often
  ready beforehand) and there's an update pending.

* Resilience to broken updates. (More than the reload button?)

* There needs to be a way for the application to talk to the server
  without talking to the offline cache.

* The API should be simple, both to authors on the client side, and
  to authors on the server side, and to the end user, and ideally to
  the implementors (and to me, the spec author!).

There are two distinct types of applications (in context of this topic)

1) Online web applications. 2) Occasionally connected web applications (OCWA).

These two groups differ significantly in their design. So what exactly you are trying to make "offline aware"? 1) Online web applications - to make transparent features on UA level that allow this group of apps to work offline. 2) To extend UA feature set to support occasionally connected web applications - applications that work offline as a primary operational
mode. These applications require client side storage and other forms
of persistence. I don't think that making online web applications "offline aware" makes any or significant sense. Or even feasible as they use data flow (RPC, aka AJAX) that implies active server.
I propose to clarify first what we are trying to solve.

Andrew Fedoniouk.

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