It isn't that useful to get the table list, only for introspection would you need it. Most users of the API will know the schema of the database, and know the table names they need. It would be useful if the SQL back-end did not support CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS. But users can just blinding try to create a table and look for any errors about it already existing in that case.

Regarding introspection, it would have helped us write the Web Inspector feature. We ended up making a special call to get the table names.

On Oct 19, 2007, at 6:13 PM, Brady Eidson wrote:

There is no standard way in SQL that I know of to get the list of tables in a database.

In SQLite you can enumerate tables out of sqlite_master, but that should not be encouraged.

What are people's thoughts about adding this to the API?


— Timothy Hatcher

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