On Oct 30, 2007, at 4:33 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:
On Sun, 15 Jan 2006, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
Authors should use presentational markup whenever there is no available semantic markup for the relevant meaning, or when they are providing authoring facilities for people who cannot be expected to think about semantic markup (e.g. people using Webmail, or people posting comments on the author's Weblog). If authors -- or specifications -- try too hard to use a semantic element, or to force other people to use it, it will be misused so much that UAs can no longer trust the element to have any particular meaning, so it will become de facto presentational.

True... but it's not clear if elements like <font> and <center> are the
best way of addressing this.

Right, because there's no semantic element that their absence tempts people to use instead. (Whereas omitting <b> and <i> would tempt people to use <em> for italics and <strong> for bold instead.)

    This has always been presentational, and will continue to be so in
    the majority of HTML 5 documents. Most authors will assume it has
    the same purpose as it did in previous versions of HTML; and many
    of the authors who actually read that part of the spec will giggle
    at the "instance of a term" frippery and disregard it.

This has changed since you commented on it, I believe. Now it's still
"presentational", but it is at least media-independent, being defined in a way that is still usable in speech contexts.

Yes, the current definition makes much more sense, though it buries the point a bit. I think it would be more obvious to begin something like "The i element represents a span of text where the typical typographical presentation is italics, and no other element is more appropriate. (For example, citations should instead use the cite element..."

(I strongly feel that there is a difference between <div> used for
grouping thematically related blocks, and <p> used for separating
thematically related inline content, e.g. parts of a form.

Launchpad.net presents (for people registered) many forms where a text field has not just a label, but also an explanatory caption of one or two (or in one case five) sentences. These captions are unambiguously paragraphs <p>, inside form rows <div>, inside forms <form>. If we wanted to "separat[e] thematically related ... parts of a form" we wouldn't use <p>; we'd use <fieldset>, because that's *exactly* what <fieldset> is for.

Matthew Paul Thomas

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