Dave Singer wrote:
> At 17:30  -0500 11/12/07, Jeff McAdams wrote:
>>  Apple and Nokia's stated reasons for objecting to Theora are crap...

> I can't speak for Nokia.  But you are mis-characterizing Apple.  We have
> expressed concern, and suggested that perhaps someone who can be seen to
> be independent, and is competent in IPR issues and permitted to read
> patents and discuss licenses, look into the issue.

Fine, then as a show of good faith, revert the text while this goes on.

Yes, I am suspicious of Apple's motives, *EXTREMELY* suspicious.  As I
mentioned in another email, I've never been disappointed when I assumed
the worst of a big company in a standards setting context.

Listen to what the people are saying.
Jeff McAdams
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a
little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                                       -- Benjamin Franklin

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