On 2/21/08, Ian Hickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think it is likely blog templates will use it correctly most of the
>  time, which would cover many uses of this element. I think the use cases
>  for <section> and <article> are quite distinct, and that trying to merge
>  them would hurt both elements on the long run.

Has pagination been addressed? Would the suggested way to mark up this:

[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] ...

or this:

<<First <Prev 1 2 ... 30 31 Next> Last>>

be a <ul> in a <nav> element?

Also, I am not sure what the overall page markup would be. <article>
requires a stand-alone document, while <section> is more generic but
gives "chapters" as an example usage.

Option 1:

<article id="page2">
Lorem ipsum.

<nav><ul id="pagination">...</ul></nav>

Option 2:

<section id="page2">
Lorem ipsum.

<nav><ul id="pagination">...</ul></nav>

Option 3:

<section id="page2">
Lorem ipsum.

<nav><ul id="pagination">...</ul></nav>

Is any of these options the recommended one?


Leons Petrazickis

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