Fumbling around in the document, I came across the description of when the 
mouseout event is bubbled. What I did not see is anything about mouseouts after 
mousedowns but before mouseups. I understand why such text is missing - the 
combinations are nearly astronomical. However, I tried the following:
        <img ... onmousedown="this.src='down.gif';" 
onmouseout="this.src='out.gif';" onmouseup="this.src='up.gif';" ...
Firefox2 (Windows) reports the mouseout only if it is not immediately preceded 
by a mousedown.
IE7 produces/handles the mouseout event whether or not a mousedown has occurred.
I have not tried Opera or Safari.

Am I having yet another case of "male pattern blindness" (as my spouse calls 
it) and there is text specifying that successive mouse (and keyboard) events 
are to be handled? Or is there no such text and adding would it be a task of 
such magnitude that WHATWG should not even try?

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